10 Useful English Shopping Vocabulary Words and How To Use Them

When first learning a language, it can be difficult to articulate exactly what you mean if you don’t know the words. This can make it hard to become more fluent since you can’t use the word in a practical or useful setting. Context and functionality of language really helps to solidify a new language in a student’s mind.
When it comes to shopping while using a new language, it’s important to understand the basics of that shopping system and how things can be labeled. We’ve provided 10 examples of English Vocabulary that can be used shopping, split between a few terminology types that can help make the process a little easier.
Item Selection
1. Small, Medium, and Large
Small, medium, and large are measurements of sizing, and can be used to describe a size of item you’re looking for. Whether you’re shopping for clothes or a household piece, knowing how to describe its size can help to find it for you.
2. I am looking for..
While this is more of a phrase, the term “looking for” can be useful when asking for help. Sometimes, asking an associate where something is can be an opportunity to use new phrases, and also find the item you’re wanting.
3. No, thank you
Knowing how to steer associated away when needed can be helpful when shopping. Saying “no thank you” to a would-be helper leaves you in peace for your shopping experience.
4. Can I try this on?
When you do find something you like and want to see on, you can ask to try it on for size and flattering fit. Being able to ask this makes an associate aware of your intention to buy and helps to find a place for you to change.
Value and Sales
5. 50% Off
While numbers are kind of a universal language, the terminology of percentages off can be a bit of an adjustment. Off means that percentage is taken off the price, you can use this to determine final cost of the item.
6. Cheap
Normally, the word cheap has a negative effect because it might imply it was cheaply made. Most of the time though, it just means that the product is inexpensive.
7. Clearance
Clearance is a ticket term made to indicate a drop in price from the regular sales price to a reduced one. You can use these tags to find good deals, or ask for help in finding the clearance section.
An acronym for Buy One Get One, this term is meant to indicate a sale where you buy one inventory of that product and you get the same or similar for free, basically getting two products for the cost of the first.
9. Can I pay with card?
Payment is never fun, but being able to articulate the method of payment you prefer to use is important to the end of the shopping trip.
10. Are you in line?
Sometimes shops can be very busy, leading to more than one person in a queue at a time. To make sure you don’t cut in front of anyone, asking those close to the register if they’re in line will help you to stay courteous while shopping.
In order to shop using a new language, it’s best to have a general understanding of the shop system and how to know when you’ve found what you’re looking for. Knowing words like sizes, colors, locations, and methods of payment can make all the difference in getting the most bang for your buck, even if pronunciation is a little hard.