How to Celebrate Easter During the Pandemic

This Easter families will face difficult decisions when it comes to how to celebrate Easter. Family traditions may look different due to the pandemic. Children may be disappointed that they can not hunt for Easter eggs with their friends due to social distancing protocols. Religious families may have to decide whether or not to attend an Easter Mass at their local church.
There are ways that your family can celebrate a fun and safe Easter this year without breaking social distancing protocols. Here are some ideas for how to celebrate Easter during the pandemic.
Save Money on Easter Baskets With Homemade Goodies
For many families money is tighter than ever with the pandemic forcing unprecedented lockdowns and wide scale job loss. Parents may be worried about meeting their child's expectations for an Easter basket. If you want to forego any major expenses to purchase an Easter basket this year, consider going the DIY route with homemade treats and prizes.
Another reason why it is a good idea to make homemade baskets this year is because there are delays in shipping and a food shortage which may make sourcing items more difficult. Plan ahead this year and do not wait until the last minute to shop for Easter baskets. Ideas for what to put in the Easter basket this year include printout coloring book pages, homemade cupcakes and sweets, and digital gifts such as a movie rental or video game.
Get Creative with the Easter Egg Hunt
One thing that lots of children look forward to in the spring is the Easter egg hunt. This year it is not a good idea to gather in large groups, so Easter eggs hunts may have to look a little different than what we are used to.
You can get creative with your Easter egg hunt this year by coordinating something with your neighbors or by turning your own yard into an Easter egg hunting ground. Skip any Easter egg hunts where social distancing is not possible, but in a large open space outside with six feet in between participants, the Easter egg hunt can still go on.
Zoom Call Your Family
Instead of meeting up with your extended family for an Easter dinner or party, this year opt for a digital gathering instead. Use Zoom calls or Skype to join your family members in a group video chat to celebrate the holiday safely. The same thing goes for religious services. Most churches have started streaming their services so that you can enjoy your worship service in the safety and comfort of your home. Forego any gatherings and instead use modern technology to safely connect with your family or religious group this Easter.
Easter Dinner
Gathering over Easter dinner is a tradition in many families, but this year it unfortunately is not possible. Instead of preparing a huge Easter meal, keep things small scale this year. Consider supporting a local business (restaurants have been hit hard by the pandemic) and ordering your Easter dinner to-go or delivery. This way you get out of cooking and you also are supporting a local business.