5 Easy Ways to Learn English Online

Learning Aug 21, 2022

Learning English through online education can be challenging at times, especially to anyone who was used to face-to-face learning. However, with COVID-19 pandemic, online learning is the best option to continue your journey to becoming an English speaker.

Check out our tips below on how to make the most of online education to sound like a native English speaker by the end of this pandemic.

Enroll in an online English class

As the COVID-19 cases increase, so are websites offering online classes so you have to be careful. First, check if the company is registered and has been operating legally. You can always check for accreditation and most importantly, customer reviews.

A reliable online English class should also have a curriculum that would fit your needs as a learner. You can always ask for their course program so you could know if they can get you covered, from basic to advanced English.

Most importantly, choose a class that has a native English speaker because the best way to learn is from someone who already mastered the language.

Start with the basics

Do not be shy if you have to start from the ABC’s! As a non-native speaker of English, it is important to build the foundation of your learning. Your online English teacher would likely start to teach you the basic words such as “Hello, Hi, How are you” and other words used for everyday conversation. Begin with short and simple sentences.

Speak with a native speaker of English

The fastest way to learn English is by imitating a native English teacher. First, observe how they speak, their enunciation, and facial expression. You also have to open yourself and allow them to correct you.

A friend or relative who is a native Speaker would also help you learn easily. You can bond with them more and at the same time acquire their English speaking skills.

Make the most out of resources

We are living in a world with all online education resources at the tip of our hands. Ask your online English tutor to give you materials that you can work on. You can ask for an audiobook, a song, or even a movie where you can expand your vocabulary and pronunciation.

Use the internet. There are thousands of Youtube videos that you can watch and learn from for free. Just make sure to ask your teacher first if the video is appropriate for your level.

Help yourself, practice

Speaking in English is a skill that requires lots of practice. If you will not exert effort and would just depend on your teachers, your skill would surely fade away until you forget everything you learned.

You can always apply why you learned in your online education in your everyday life. Start a conversation using Where, When, What, Which, Why, Who, and How. Practice with a friend or a family member.

Do you have questions on how to learn English through online education? Ask us!

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